We JSR Shipping Services India Pvt Ltd (JSR Group*)Group of Shipping & Logistics professionals with years of experience in the industry join hands to create a Logistics catering to the various logistic requirements of our customers like Airfreight, Sea Freight, Charters, Land Transport, Customs Clearance, Project movements, Freight consultancy,DGFT Consultancy ETC.
JSR Shipping Services India (P) Ltd. has made a prominent mark for itself in the shipping & Logistic industry ever since its inception. The company has specialized in rendering different Logistic Services to the customers spread across India, China, UAE, USA, Spain, Europe, etc. These Logistic Services include Air Freight Forwarding, Custom Clearance, Goods Transportation, Sea Freight Forwarding, and Cargo Insurance, Third Country Shipment. Under the aegis of a dedicated team and widespread network, the company ensures that no consignment is delayed from its end at any cost. It also lays special emphasis towards the protection of the valuable goods of the clients. Our aim is to increase our clients’ volume to help each step of the growth.
Our representatives have excellent systems and experienced personnel in place to ensure your cargo is handled with total professionalism. We provide updates on all orders, chase suppliers on the clients’ behalf and relay this information, at least weekly, to them. We understand that our customers’ needs can vary and therefore we tailor our internal systems to reflect your specific needs. Management has taken time to build relationships with the world’s major air lines and shipping lines. It is through these relationships that we can offer direct and/or tran-shipment services to all major ports of the world. With efficient and economic options available to all customers, we place our emphasis on service, to satisfy and exceed our customers’ expectations.
We are a trusted name for Custom Broker more than 20 years of experience in Indian Customs with different Air Ports,Drys Ports & Sea Ports. We are having Inhouse Facilitation for custom broker licence , issued by (Ministry of commerce and Industry). We have a separate division of ICC-India. We also have in depth knowledge of tariff classification, notification, customs act, customs rules and regulation, duty concession, duty exemption schemes, SVB procedures, duty drawback claim, customs duty refund, license verification, clearance of capital goods, second hand machines etc. Our proficiency lies in handling both export and import of any product.
As per trade of india custom many changes are taking new places such as, Turant Custom, Faceless Assessment ,M-Sampark, E-Sanchit. Our team are ready to serve you and we have done a deep study for ourself and updation always running every day to facilitate you in best manner for custom process and timely smooth logistics planning.